Thanks to those who were able to take the Doodle poll for moving the UHC calls later in the month. It looks like The second Thursday of the month will work better for people so starting Thursday, May 9th
we will hold calls on the second Thursday @10am EDT.
I have moved the meeting on the OpenHIE Community Event Calendar so for those of you who subscribe to the UHC calendar you should see the change on your calendar shortly. If you have not subscribed to the
UHC calendar yet and would like to please go the
calendar wiki page and find “OHIE Health Insurance” under subscriptions to get invites and updates on calls.
**Jamie Thomas **|****Health Information Project Manager/Communications
Center for Biomedical Informatics
1101 West Tenth Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel 317-274-9218 | Fax 317-274-9305
Email: | Skype: jamie.thomas5670 | Twitter: @Regenstrief
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From: “Thompson, Jenny”
Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 at 11:46 PM
To: “”
Cc: “Fourie, Carl”, “Thomas, Jamie”
Subject: OpenHIE Health Financing towards UHC requests and follow up
Hi all,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join the OpenHIE Health Financing towards UHC call last week. Derek’s slides from the meeting are attached.
Two quick requests for your input:
Doodle poll on moving the monthly meeting to later in the month:
We’d like to move the meeting from the first Thursday of the month to the second or third Thursday going forward. The day of the week and the time would stay the same - Thursdays
at 10am Eastern Time. ****
In the poll, please select if you’d be able to meet on the second or third Thursday of the month (or both).
If you have other input on the meeting timing, feel free to note it in the comments section.
Call for topics:
If there are topics you’d like us to discuss at an upcoming meeting, please add those here:
Have a wonderful week!
Jenny Thompson
Technical Program Officer
Center of Digital Excellence
Mail/ PO Box 900922, Seattle, WA 98109 USA
Street/ 2201 Westlake Avenue, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98121 USA
Office/ Skype/ jennylthompson
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