Upcoming OCL Office Hours - March 24

Join Open Concept Lab (OCL) on March 24 from 10-11 a.m. (EDT) / 2-3 p.m. (UTC) for the first Office Hours event of 2022.

At this event, all OCL users, community members, and those interested in these tools are invited to attend and bring questions and ideas to share with others on the call. This is an open, casual session to explore your terminology needs, ask questions about the OCL API, and connect with others in the OCL community!

See Connection Details below:

Join from computer or mobile:

Meeting ID: 879 9674 0393
Password: 642980

International numbers available: https://iu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=DLrN5Uy6Bwr1LnFueAThWzRTjX1Ege83

cc: @jack.bowie @paynejd

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