Technical webinar on CHT Telemetry by Medic - Register Now!

Greetings OpenHIE community,

We are excited to invite you to our first CHT technical webinar today (Thursday, Feb 1, 2024) at 4:00 PM EAT/1:00 PM GMT/6:45 PM NPT.

In this Webinar Kenn Sippell and Michael Kohn will be sharing more about how CHT telemetry can be used to evaluate usage of CHT and its performance. They will also be discussing various telemetry example scenarios and demo how the telemetry system works.

:arrow_right: Register Today! :arrow_left:

CHT Webinar is open to the public and feel free to share the invite with colleagues and other organizations. We look forward to hearing from different projects on how they are using telemetry data to inform technical support that is provided to CHT end users. :slightly_smiling_face:

Webinar CHT Telemetry (Flyer).pdf (82.8 KB)

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