SPANISH - Looking for a review two OpenHIE courses

Call for Spanish document review! The OpenHIE secretariat team is working to translate two OpenHIE Academy courses (Course 101 and Course 320) to also be available in Spanish. Upon receiving the translated documents, we would love to work with community members to review this content before publishing. The courses are approximately an hour in length for a learner and we expect the review to be shorter. We are seeking volunteers to review this Spanish content - please reach out if you’re interested in supporting this effort! (We anticipate receiving these translated documents around 20 August). The review will mainly consist of making sure that the translators have correctly handled technical terms and concepts.

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Hello Jennifer,

you can count on me to help

Thank you kindly, @joseagrc! We will follow-up over email to share the process. :slight_smile:

you’re welcome @kaalcumm