September 28, Facility Registry Quarterly Meeting - Sunbird RC

Please join us at the next quarterly HFR subcommittee meeting on, Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 11am US Est. We will have a presentation by Priyanka Yadav and Surendrasingh Sucharia, on the Sunbird RC technology. We will learn about how it is being used by some countries in Asia as a facility registry, as well as other forms of a health registry. Please join us to learn more about its architecture and use cases.


@martinosumba @apreston

Here’s a link to learn more & join the call! Facility Registry Subcommunity Calls - Communities & Projects - OpenHIE Wiki

If you could not join us for the OpenHIE Quarterly Facility Registry call yesterday, you can read the minutes or listen to the recording on 2023-09-28 OpenHIE Facility Registry wiki page.

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