The first link is a draft DUA policy that was developed for a MOH and their partners that may be helpful. The second is a recent analysis of data use concerns from mobile applications with a proposed framework approach. These may be helpful.
From: on behalf of Bob Jolliffe
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 2:04 AM
To: Fourie, Carl
Cc: OpenHIE Implementers Network (OHIN); Alvin Marcelo
Subject: [External] Re: [ohie-implementers] Sample data sharing / non-disclosure agreements
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Thanks Carl. I know you’re no longer with Jembi but I wonder how
Jembi have manged these things. I know they have done a lot of direct
technical support to Ministries. Probably (like the rest of us) just
go in and do the job :-). Or maybe there is something somewhere
within the contracts regarding NDA.
@Alvin nice to be in touch. Imagining you in your enterprise
architecture hat, I am sure you are sitting on a vast trove of
(generally unused) useful documents. Please do pass on anything
On Wed, 14 Aug 2019 at 09:46, Fourie, Carl wrote:
HI Bob,
I want to loop in Alvin and the AeHIN team who may have samples of what has been done with their projects. Apologies Alvin if you are on this list already.
Carl Fourie
Senior Technical Advisor
Cape Town | South Africa
tel / whatsapp: +27.71.540.4477
skype: carl.fourie17
stay connected: @DigitalSQR <> | <>
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On 2019/08/14, 10:43, “ on behalf of Bob Jolliffe” < on behalf of> wrote:
Hi all
Can anybody share with me any samples of data sharing agreements
and/or non-disclosure agreements which might be useful for technical
assistance partners accessing MOH systems?
We are trying to advocate that MOH regulate technical assistance
access by ensuring they sign up to something, but usually there is no
existing document. So, in those case, we would like to propose
Much appreciated.
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