Hello all,
Our next OHIE Supply Chain Community meeting is on Aug. 20th at 11:00 am EST.
At our last meeting we discussed creating a roadmap to help guide actionable deliverables for the rest of the year. Jamie created a template for sharing our roadmap and I took the potential roadmap items we have discussed and listed them below
the template. Please take a look and provide additional items or feedback. https://wiki.ohie.org/display/SUB/Supply+Chain+Roadmap
In addition, here is the draft agenda for Aug. 20th call.
Please add any agenda items you would like to discuss.
Thank you.
**Jennifer Shivers **|**Senior Integration Architect ***** | *** Senior
Business Analyst
Tel 317-797-1200 | Skype jennifer.shivers
1101 West Tenth Street**
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Web and email addresses, and phone numbers will remain the same.
Tel 317-274-9234 | Fax 317-274-9303
Twitter: @Regenstrief | Facebook.com/regenstriefinstitute
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Hello all,
A correction to the dates listed below. Our next call is
**JULY 20th. **
Here is the draft agenda - https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/2018-07-20+Supply+Chain+Call.
On Jul 11, 2018, at 11:18 AM, Shivers, Jennifer Ellen jeshiver@regenstrief.org wrote:
Hello all,
Our next OHIE Supply Chain Community meeting is on Aug. 20th at 11:00 am EST.
At our last meeting we discussed creating a roadmap to help guide actionable deliverables for the rest of the year. Jamie created a template for sharing our roadmap and I took the potential roadmap items we have discussed and listed them below
the template. Please take a look and provide additional items or feedback. https://wiki.ohie.org/display/SUB/Supply+Chain+Roadmap
In addition, here is the draft agenda for Aug. 20th call.
Please add any agenda items you would like to discuss.
Thank you.
**Jennifer Shivers **|**Senior Integration Architect ***** | *** Senior
Business Analyst
Tel 317-797-1200 | Skype jennifer.shivers
1101 West Tenth Street**
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Web and email addresses, and phone numbers will remain the same.
Tel 317-274-9234 | Fax 317-274-9303
Twitter: @Regenstrief | Facebook.com/regenstriefinstitute
Confidentiality Notice: The contents of this message and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential and/or privileged
information and are intended solely for the use of the named addressee(s). Additionally, the information contained herein may have been disclosed to you from medical records with confidentiality protected by federal and state laws. Federal regulations and
State laws prohibit you from making further disclosure of such information without the specific written consent of the person to whom the information pertains or as otherwise permitted by such regulations. A general authorization for the release of medical
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