Reminder of OHIE Supply Chain Subcommunity Call tomorrow 21 Dec 2018

Hi Everyone,

This is a reminder that we will have our monthly Supply Chain Subcommunity Call tomorrow Dec 21st.


  1. Review Action Items from prior month (Craig)
  • [Not Yet Done] Brandon will pull together a set of KPIs for the group to review as part of the educational documentation and add it to the wiki (also asking Ralph Titus for links/input)

  • [DONE 2018-12-18] Brandon will update based on conversation today (comments made on the page)

  • Josh to help update OID on based on conversation today

  • [SCOTT DID EMAIL BRANDON; NOW WE NEED TO DECIDE HOW TO INCORPORATE] Scott: Will share to the group the existing FR user stories and data specs stuff; we can then integrate LMIS user stories and other dteails as needed. Would be good to consider testing and using real examples/data. (Please include Jenny Thompson)

  • [Not sure of status or who] Identify GLNs by country to identify which countries have GS1 support locally.

  1. Review Personas (Craig)

  2. Review Product Identification Terminology (Craig)

  3. Request additional Resources for the page (Craig)

  4. Topics for next month (Craig)

  • The next meeting is Friday 18 Jan 2019
  1. AOB

