Sending a reminder that our Client Registry Community call will be Friday-October 4 at 8am EST.
Please click the link below to see the agenda, call-in instructions, and access the online minutes during the call.
Hello to all, the weekend is almost here. We have a Client Registry Community Call tomorrow (October 4) at 8am ET. I have udpdated the Wiki with the agenda, also call-in information is below. During part of the call we will use Adobe Connect for screen sharing during a demo from Odysseas Pentakalos-SYSNET. An agenda item we will discuss tomorrow is how the CR Community would like the Wiki to look, what do they want to see/access via the Wiki page. I have inlcuded links to the current Wiki, as well as othe communities Wiki pages for review prior to our discussion. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you tomorrow.
Client Registry Wiki -
OpenHIE Wiki -
Sub-communities Wiki -
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**We can dial in any participants who are not able to connect through Skype or one of the above numbers, please email 24 hours in advance to be dialed in.