TO: OpenHIE Software Reference Technology Creators (Global Good Creators)
@ryan @taylordowns2000 @rstanley @nmceachen @josh.zamor @dalmolin @lduncan @chris @jamlung @paynejd (I am sure I missed tagging some folks)
RE: OpenHIE Projects Meeting Feedback for Global Good Creators
As we are synthesizing the discussion from the 24-Feb OpenHIE Architecture meeting on OpenHIE Projects, there was a key point that we wanted to share with you all. There were several comments about the lack of technical documentation for some of the reference technologies, the need for help in understanding how to use the technology. This is something that Digital Square refers to as shelf-readiness for global goods, and this is an area that DS is currently refining, along with the maturity models for content and service global goods. Shelf readiness is focused on documentation, ease of deployment and software testing and quality assurance.
As we move forward, it will be important for DS, OHIE and reference technologies to partner to help implementers be able to more easily and quickly deploy, troubleshoot, test, and implement reference technologies using accessible, up to date, comprehensive documentation.
We would like to hear your thoughts and feedback on:
what constitutes shelf-readiness
further insights on the type of requests for information that you receive from implementers
challenges of producing and maintaining a “shelf-ready”product
Thank you all!