OpenHIE Community Structure Changes in 2023

In an effort to improve support for the growing OpenHIE Community refinements are being made to the community structure in 2023. This will include changes to Architecture & Standards calls designed to get input from various community perspectives.

  • SubCommunity Alignment Calls will focus on sharing topics and information across various sub communities.
  • Project Alignment Meetings will focus on hearing about the use cases and data exchange patterns from various projects.
  • The Architecture Summit calls are designed to gather input from the whole community.
  • Architecture and Standards Meeting calls are designed to allow for community members to bring forward topics related to data exchange and standards.

See call schedule and details here.

Also reforming of the leadership group will take place - stay tuned for more details. If you have details about changes or want to get more involved inleading OpenHIE please reach out to @jthomas or @pbiondich

@working_committee @subcommunity_leads