#OHIE25 Host Application is Now Open!


Over the years, the OpenHIE community has gathered together annually to celebrate each others’ accomplishments and identify next steps toward our goals during the OpenHIE Community Meetings. We’ve had the opportunity to organize face-to-face events alongside ministries of health in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Malawi!

We have now opened the Host Application for the 2025 OpenHIE Community Meeting! (ohie25) You can learn more about what it’s like to experience this event through this video: https://youtu.be/dQdFFXvoIX0?si=_0QtBDb19GWsDVF-

If you are interested in hosting ohie25 in your country, please review the following criteria as guidance in the elements of what it takes to host an OpenHIE Community event, prepare for your submission, and to then ensure success for the selected country in their preparation for the event.

Please fill out the following interest form to submit your country as a potential host for the OHIE25 event! https://forms.gle/2dzkwUmPN5cAiEgK7

This form will be open until the end of March 2024. Please submit application by this time.


Don’t forget to fill out the host application by March 31 if you’re interested in hosting a future OpenHIE Community Meeting!

Please note: The deadline to submit has been extended to 14 April (11:59 pm PST).

We hope this gives others time to consider submission to host ohie25 :slight_smile: