Hi Brandon!
We are extremely glad to hear you will be able to attend #OHIE18! Please let us know if you or anyone else at OpenLMIS has thoughts on materials you would like to share at the meeting.
**Jamie Thomas **|****Health Information Project Manager/Communications
Center for Biomedical Informatics
1101 West Tenth Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel 317-274-9218 | Fax 317-274-9305
Email: jt48@regenstrief.org | Skype: jamie.thomas5670 | Twitter: @Regenstrief
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From: openhie-supply-chain@googlegroups.com on behalf of Brandon Bowersox-Johnson brandon.bowersox-johnson@villagereach.org
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 5:40 PM
To: OpenHIE Supply Chain openhie-supply-chain@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: OHIE18: Supply Chain?
Hi Jamie and community,
On behalf of the OpenLMIS community, I am planning to attend the OpenHIE Community Meeting July 31 - August 4, 2018 in Arusha, Tanzania, including attending the Connect-A-Thon.
I believe a few OpenLMIS community members are also planning to attend:
Elias Muluneh, JSI (Elias has been part of many OpenLMIS implementations and JSI is a partner in the OpenLMIS core software development)
Craig Appl, Ona/OpenSRP (OpenSRP is integrated with OpenLMIS and Ona is a partner in the OpenLMIS core software development)
Alfred Mchau, VillageReach and GHSC-TZ (Alfred works on eLMIS and interoperability in Tanzania)
I have not been part of the Supply Chain meetings, since my colleagues Mary Jo Kochendorfer and Josh Zamor have represented VillageReach and the OpenLMIS community, but I’ll be excited to get more involved and meet more of you in Tanzania!
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson | brandon dot bowersox-johnson at villagereach.org
Acting Director & Group Lead, Information Systems
2900 Eastlake Ave. E, Suite 230, Seattle, WA 98102, USA
PHONE: +1 206.486.3018 FAX: +1 206.860.6972
WHATSAPP/SMS: +1 217.766.1166
SKYPE: brandonbowersox
On Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 12:43:56 PM UTC-7, jt48 wrote:
Hi All,
During last weeks Supply Chain Call we started to talk about how Supply Chain can support the OHIE18 agenda. Couple of questions for people;
- Are you going to be at OHIE18? Let us know if you are planning to be there.
- What content or materials would people like to be shared?
**Jamie Thomas **|****Health Information Project Manager/Communications
Center for Biomedical Informatics

1101 West Tenth Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel 317-274-9218 | Fax 317-274-9305
Email: jt...@regenstrief.org |
Skype: jamie.thomas5670 | Twitter: @Regenstrief
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