OHIE-Supply Chain Community Call (7/19)

Reminder that we are having an****OHIE-Supply Chain community call Friday, July 19th at 11:00am



  1. Review and feedback on latest Architecture diagrams and writing -https://wiki.ohie.org/display/SUB/OHIE-To-Supply+Chain+Architecture+Brainstorm -
    Josh (~20 min)

  2. Product Registry status update- Brandon (~5 min)

  3. Terminology: Product Catalog Management Tool (PCMT) vs. Product Registry

  4. Quick update on Digital Square/VillageReach project

  5. Upcoming Events – who is attending?

  6. https://healthcare-nigeria.gs1.org/ - 17-19 September 2019 | Lagos, Nigeria

  7. OpenHIE 2019 Community Meeting

  8. https://ghscs.com Global Health Supply Chain Summit 20-22 November 2019 | Johannesburg, South Africa

  9. Global Digital Health Forum in DC in December 2019 -


  10. AOB

  11. Future Agenda Topics?

**If anyone has any additional topics to discuss please let me know or just bring them to the call.

How to join the call:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://iu.zoom.us/j/708458763

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 708 458 763

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/efFNnEySe

Also the day of the call please go to the OHIE-Supply Chain Community
call page
and select the meeting date to sign yourself into the meeting.(*You will also find the agenda and minutes from previous meetings.)

**Jamie Thomas **|****Community Manager

Center for Biomedical Informatics

1101 West Tenth Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Tel 317-274-9218 | Fax 317-274-9305

Email: jt48@regenstrief.org | Skype: jamie.thomas5670 | Twitter: @Regenstrief


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