OHIE Supply Chain Call 9/21

Hi All,

A quick reminder of Friday’s OHIE-Supply Chain call: Friday, September 21 at 11:00am Eastern.


  1. VillageReach and Ona co-chairing the OHIE-SC Subcommunity -Brandon, Craig and Josh

  2. Check in on Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats

  3. Value Proposition (link) - check-in on progress

  4. GS1 Presentation (link) - Brandon

if anyone has additional topics, please bring them to the call

How to Join in Zoom

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://iu.zoom.us/j/708458763

Or Telephone:

Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 708 458 763

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/efFNnEySe

Notes / Sign In


On the day of the call, please open that link or navigate to the OHIE-Supply Chain Community page and select the meeting date to sign yourself into the meeting.


Here are the Next Steps from today’s call:

Next steps:

  • Amanda to reach out to donors to come to these calls

  • JenniferS - Follow up with Al at JSI to join this call - DONE

  • Brandon and Jennifer to email the broader implemetiaotn community to let them know about SC communtiy and the goals of the community can use “common language” from line 78 ^

  • Craig, Josh, Derek continue work on the Value Proposition to present at next month’s meeting

Here are the proposed agenda items for our next call:

Next Month Agenda Items

  1. Value Proposition (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QCuFgA0tnQtFDfLnXcRJx2A0M7jgEAoKajAqNl4jsGM/edit)) - check-in on progress from Craig, Derek, Josh

  2. Outreach / Why statement - make sure we have our “why” statement clear and touch base on outreach/invites to other participants - Jennifer and Brandon

  3. GS1 Presentation (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s23Y-ZhhVVpk9cqezk2Nr4VaRFexzghJohkg7XGT_Nk/edit#slide=id.g3dd3afef58_0_418)) - Brandon

(Resending with formatting stripped)

Here are the Next Steps from today’s call:

  • Amanda to reach out to donors to come to these calls
  • JenniferS - Follow up with Al at JSI to join this call - DONE
  • Brandon and Jennifer to email the broader implemetiaotn community to let them know about SC communtiy and the goals of the community can use “common language” from line 78
  • Craig, Josh, Derek continue work on the Value Proposition to present at next month’s meeting

Here are the proposed agenda items for our next call:

  1. Value Proposition (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QCuFgA0tnQtFDfLnXcRJx2A0M7jgEAoKajAqNl4jsGM/edit) - check-in on progress from Craig, Derek, Josh

  2. Outreach / Why statement - make sure we have our “why” statement clear and touch base on outreach/invites to other participants - Jennifer and Brandon

  3. GS1 Presentation (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s23Y-ZhhVVpk9cqezk2Nr4VaRFexzghJohkg7XGT_Nk/edit#slide=id.g3dd3afef58_0_418) - Brandon