MSH>^~&|DESKTOP-QPUANNN|Fake Jurisdiction|NIST_Pearl_PIX_Source|NIST|201704061100||ACK^A01|8926ee73-0b4d-4f98-9fbf-1a0bcaa83b03|P|2.3.1
ERR>^^^207&Application internal error&&&Object reference
not set to an instance of an object.
this below is log
4/6/2017 11:00:44 AM : ClientRegistry.exe Error: 0 : 4/6/2017 11:00:44 AM : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.ComponentUtility.CreatePerson(PID pid, List1 dtls, OidData aaut) at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.ComponentUtility.CreateComponents(ADT_A01 request, List1 dtls)
at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.PixHandler.HandlePixAdmit(ADT_A01 request, Hl7MessageReceivedEventArgs evt)
I ran into the same problem when I had a Social Security Number in my message. I see you do to “481-27-4185”, try removing that. I think you have to have a particular OID setup if you want to use a SSN.
MSH>^~&|DESKTOP-QPUANNN|Fake Jurisdiction|NIST_Pearl_PIX_Source|NIST|201704061100||ACK^A01|8926ee73-0b4d-4f98-9fbf-1a0bcaa83b03|P|2.3.1
ERR>^^^207&Application internal error&&&Object reference
not set to an instance of an object.
this below is log
4/6/2017 11:00:44 AM : ClientRegistry.exe Error: 0 : 4/6/2017 11:00:44 AM : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.ComponentUtility.CreatePerson(PID pid, List1 dtls, OidData aaut) at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.ComponentUtility.CreateComponents(ADT_A01 request, List1 dtls)
at MARC.HI.EHRS.CR.Messaging.PixPdqv2.PixHandler.HandlePixAdmit(ADT_A01 request, Hl7MessageReceivedEventArgs evt)
i think something wrong with my request string.
thanks in advance,
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PID>>>RJ-438^^^&||JOHNSTON^ROBERT^^^^^L|MURRAY^^^^^^L|19830205|M|||1220 Centennial Farm Road^^ELLIOTT^IA^51532||^PRN^PH^^^712^7670867||||||
the response is the same
I see OID in Medic CR like this i try to use
is it any work doing?