Hi all! This is the post I’d promised (before disappearing for a few weeks on leave), to start a conversation on getting started with some volunteers to work on building the LIS COP DAIS platform.
DAIS is a Decoupled Analyzer Interface System, which aims to create a community-built and supported software that will connect to clinical analyzers in the lab via ASTM, HL7 v2, or text file outputs, and convert them into FHIR objects which any FHIR-ready system can consume, providing lab results to any system that needs them (LIS, EMR or surveillance system).
This system will have a community library of analyzer profiles that any implementer can contribute, so that for example if someone makes a profile for a GenXpert analyzer, any other implementer can download it, and make any needed modifications for the local setup, and have a working connection without the need for any software development.
At the last meeting, we had an amazing demo from the OpenFN team using OpenFN Lightning, which showed live a transformation between a text representation of the ASTM output, and converted it into a diagnostic report ready for a LIS system. We would also like to use a HAPI FHIR server to hold the FHIR objects and share them, and the OCL tool to maintain the concept sets and the CIEL concept set to resolve the proper LOINC codes and link to other reference terminologies as needed.
We are looking for designers to help design the front end and UI / UX, experts on the technologies used to make sure we are not walking into any technical dead ends, and software developers to help develop the front and back end, and testers and documentation folks to help test and document the software. We would like to have an initial session where we can decide on some tasks and basic timelines to start standing up a proof of concept, followed by regular check-ins at whatever we decide in the first meeting to keep making progress. My initial idea is to meet monthly, and use this discourse or a related slack to keep in regular communication.
So, I’m going to leave it here, please let me know if you’d like me to share any other information, and I’ll include it below. In the meantime, I’m going to raise some interest in this post, and get the team together. If not before then, we can use the September LIS COP call to continue this discussion.
If you are interested in contributing, please indicate that with a reply to this post, and with what your particular interest is. We also encourage anyone who is interested but are not sure how or if they’d like to contribute to join us!
If you would like to see the OpenFN demo and catch up from our last meeting, please see the recording here: 2023-06-29 Lab Information System Call - Communities & Projects - OpenHIE Wiki
I’m super excited to be working on this with you all!