Learning more about using OpenHIM for Diagnostics instruments

Hello All,
I’m hoping to get in touch with someone familiar with the OpenHIM tool.
We’re looking for an open-source (global good kind of tool) to use in LMIC to connect distributed diagnostic instruments (GeneXperts, Truenat, etc) and route result data to other health services.
Is there someone who can help answer a few questions?

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Hi Chris, I can’t speak for OpenHIM but have you looked at Apache Camel? It’s widely used in the industry for routing data to disparate systems. Camel is not healthcare specific though it supports standards like FHIR and HL7 v2 while it also has a massive community behind it. Coincidentally, at the University of Oslo, we’ve been investigating how to connect lab instruments to DHIS2 through some middleware which could perhaps be built on top of Apache Camel.

Hi Chris,
We’re also trying to build a middleware between LIS and analyzers on top of OpenHIM. We are still in the design phase.
At this point we are considering a workflow like LIS ↔ FHIR server ↔ OpenHIM ↔ FHIR to analyzer bridge.
The FHIR to analyzer part would fetch work orders from the FHIR server, convert them to the analyzer dialect, and vice versa for the results. Each analyzer would be implemented in a plugin. We are considering building this in java with the HAPI FHIR library
You may also be interested in the discussion about decoupled analyzer interface system (DAIS) that was evoked in this LIS Subcommunity call
Hope this helps,

Hi Claude,
Are you aware of the discussion about decoupled analyzer interface system (DAIS) that was evoked in this LIS Subcommunity call ?
It would be great if we could work towards this goal from systems based on various middlewares like Apache Camel or OpenHIM or Mirth Connect.

I’m aware, I was on the call :wink:

Sorry, I should have checked

@cmacek would love to get you connected with the right people to discuss your questions about OpenHIM. @ryan could you assist or connect @cmacek with someone from your team to discuss questions around OpenHIM?


Thanks @jthomas!

@ryan I’d like to speak with you or someone from your team about OpenHIM. I couldn’t find any kind of direct message feature, so I’m replying here. Feel free to reach out to me directly at cmacek@SystemOne.Id.


What do you mean by “direct message feature” Chris? All communication between OpenHIM and the mediators happens through HTTP(S) to my knowledge. Our South Africa partners are big OpenHIM users so I can put you in contact with them if you didn’t have any luck getting in touch with the OpenHIM team. My email address is claude<at>dhis2.org.

Hi Claude,
Thank you for responding. I just meant “direct message” here on discourse. I’m trying to reach @ryan but getting no response. I’ll send you a separate email to connect.

Hi @cmacek, The OpenHIM really works as an API gateway. If the systems you are trying to integrate are using RESTful interfaces then it would work well. If they are using proprietary formats or HL7 v2 then it probably wouldn’t be a good choice.