Dear Health Worker Registry members,
I hope this finds you all well!
We hope you will join us for tomorrow’s OpenHIE InterLinked Registry Call, scheduled for 9:00 EST/2:00 WAT/3:00 CAT/ 4:00 EAT. Please send me any agenda items you have and, as always, let me know if you need help getting connected.
Additionally, we have been working on revising the OpenHIE Health Worker Registry Implementation Guide, and seek your valuable input and feedback! We would appreciate it if you would take a moment to explore the document and provide your feedback within.
Best regards,
OpenHIE Provider Registry Community Call
9:00 – 10:00 am EST/ 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm CAT
Passcode – 34048002#
The numbers to call are:
US: 800-220-9875
Norway: 800-142-85
Ireland: 800-625-002
Canada: 800-221-8656
South Africa 0-800-982-555
International (Not Toll-free) 1-302-709-8332