Hi All,
We discussed this on a recent call. You can find the recording link and notes here:
On our next call scheduled for Oct 11th (https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/2017-10-11+InterLinked+Registry+Community+Call )
we’d like to make a decision on the way forward. Here are the options
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kCsDeWhEQAJT8Nbh7ZV8v6fykuHbO7J7vFHh_v-3pI0/edit#slide=id.g241b633bcb_0_68 and we’re recommending Option 4 as that seems to meet the most needs. Note that those diagrams aren’t comprehensive on all the options for
mCSD, just in how it will operate with CSD.
We will take a vote on the call to determine the option we’ll use, but if you can’t make the call, feel free to email the list or me directly with what you’d prefer and why or if you have any questions about the options.
Luke Duncan| Assistant Director, Digital Health
**IntraHealth International |**Because Health Workers Save Lives.
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200 | Chapel Hill, NC 27517
t. +1 (919) 313-9621 |
twitter |
I am not sure I will be able to join the next call, but I would vote for Option 4
On 4 Oct 2017 08:37, “Luke Duncan” lduncan@intrahealth.org wrote:
Hi All,
We discussed this on a recent call. You can find the recording link and notes here:
On our next call scheduled for Oct 11th (https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/2017-10-11+InterLinked+Registry+Community+Call )
we’d like to make a decision on the way forward. Here are the options
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kCsDeWhEQAJT8Nbh7ZV8v6fykuHbO7J7vFHh_v-3pI0/edit#slide=id.g241b633bcb_0_68 and we’re recommending Option 4 as that seems to meet the most needs. Note that those diagrams aren’t comprehensive on all the options for
mCSD, just in how it will operate with CSD.
We will take a vote on the call to determine the option we’ll use, but if you can’t make the call, feel free to email the list or me directly with what you’d prefer and why or if you have any questions about the options.
Luke Duncan| Assistant Director, Digital Health
**IntraHealth International |**Because Health Workers Save Lives.
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200 | Chapel Hill, NC 27517
t. +1 (919) 313-9621 |
twitter |
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