Mark your calendars for the next Patient Identity Management Collaborative Session!
Wednesday – February 22 8-9:30 am EST; 1-2:30 pm UTC; 2-3:30 pm WAT; 4-5:30 pm EAT
The Data Use Community is hosting the first Patient Identity Management monthly meeting of 2023 on February 22nd. Community members will present their experiences with policy impacting patient identity management.
The goals for this 1.5 hour session are:
To provide space for peer learning on patient identity management policy.
To build community linkages between teams working on patient identity management.
To begin to gather common practices, challenges and experiences to be documented in the Patient Identity Management Toolkit.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next Collaborative Patient Identity session!
Wednesday – February 22 8-9:30 am EST; 1-2:30 pm UTC; 2-3:30 pm WAT; 4-5:30 pm EAT
We are seeking one additional presenter for the monthly meeting on February 22nd. Please email Shelby Guthrie ( if you are interested and would like to learn more about how you can share your experiences or current work in progress with policy impacting patient identity management.
If you missed our Patient Identity Management Collaborative Session or just want to review the call – you can find the session materials (including recording) linked below!
22 February – Patient Identity Management Collaborative Session