Draft Specification 3.0 Ready for ARB Review

TO: @arch_review_board
CC: @subcommunity_leads

The OpenHIE Architecture Specification has been updated with the following changes:

  1. Updated OHIE diagram that adds in health financing
  2. Update to include IHE workflows for terminology
  3. Most workflows have been updated to include the FHIR specifications. I have tried to note where I still see them missing.
  4. Each workflow now has a maturity rating that considers:
  • Workflow is supported by standards
  • Maturity of standards
  • One implementation of the workflow
  • Multiple implementations of the workflow

The following changes are yet to be made:

  1. Addition of the LIS workflows discussed last week is not yet finalized. I will work with the team to get this added and will notify you when the section is ready for review.

ACTION REQUIRED: Please begin your review of the content. Specifically look at the maturity assessment for each workflow and any comments I have addressed to you or left in the document. Please make revision marks or comments where you see changes that need to be made before we can publish.

We will vote to accept the content and publish at the 10-August meeting.

Thank you!

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