Architecture Specification Review - Action Required

TO: @arch_review_board and other OHIE Community Members

The last changes have been placed into the OpenHIE Architecture Specification. The significant change are:

  • Added a maturity to each workflow
  • Addition of Lab workflows
  • Extensive updates to the requirements for a facility registry
  • Addition of FHIR to some workflows

ACTION REQUIRED BY August 10th: Please review the specification with specific attention to the changes above and @arch_review_board members should check off their name at the bottom of the document (see last page) to signify that they agree that the content is ready for publication formatting and subsequent publication.

If you do have suggested changes or revisions, please use revision marks and notes to comment. Punctuation, spelling and other non-substantive changes can be made directly in the document text.

The last major changes have been placed into the OpenHIE Architecture Specification. The significant change are:

  • Added a maturity to each workflow
  • Addition of Lab workflows
  • Extensive updates to the requirements for a facility registry
  • Addition of FHIR to some workflows

ACTION REQUIRED ASAP : Please review the specification with specific attention to the changes above and @arch_review_board members should check off their name at the bottom of the document (see last page) to signify that they agree that the content is ready for publication formatting and subsequent publication.

Thanks to @jack.bowie and @carl for noting their review.

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