Hello good people,
I’m new with OpenHIM, I’m facing a problem on how to add dynamic path variable on Request Matching as well as Route from openHIM console. Can any one of you help me with this?
Hello good people,
I’m new with OpenHIM, I’m facing a problem on how to add dynamic path variable on Request Matching as well as Route from openHIM console. Can any one of you help me with this?
Suppose I want to fetch information for a patient, to do this I need to provide the patient ID on the get request. I want to accept this id on channel and then use this ID to the appropriate path in routes tab. I want to accept the patientID from request matching URL and then pass this patientID on Route Path. Can you please help me how to do this this?
Is this a feature that is available in OpenHIM?
If not, what is the recommended way to achieve it?
Hi @yassin and @emon.swe.sust! Thanks for your questions on OpenHIM and it’s features, please allow me to tag community member, @ryan to see if he can help provide some responses!
Hi, yes this is possible. The channel path accepts a regex so you could do something like: Patient/.* to accept a patient with an id in the path. Then on the route you can use the route transform option to turn it into what ever you like. It uses a sed expression E.g. ‘s/Patient/my/new/path/’ Otherwise you can keep the path the same by leaving all path options blank.