Academy Community Meeting Canceled for 11-March

Something has come up and we either need to reschedule or wait a month to meet. Sorry for the short notice.

Here is a quick update:

Statistics on Academy use:
· 40 people completed 101 course
· 26 completed 110
· 3 interoperability course (Not yet advertised)
· 2 Loinc course (Not yet advertised)
· 116 unique ids have signed in

Courses in progress

  • Standards – final checking in progress (Tesfit and Jennifer)
  • Client registry course being started by Priyanka
  • workflows - (Daniel and Peter)
  • leadership course?

We will advertise the interoperability course and the standards course as soon as the review of the standards course is completed.

Let’s use email or other means to talk about communications and any other needs.
Again, I apologize for the late notice.
