Looking for OHIE call calendar invites?

Invites originate from the OpenHIE Community Events Calendar https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/Community+Event+Calendar. Individuals can subscribe to any call invites at the bottom of the page. Note, all calls on the calendar are in Eastern Time.

Is there a way to import the events to, say, a Google Calendar? Thanks! -Eric

@eric - Yes, from the Wiki page Jamie referenced, you can click the dot menu to subscribe any of them on your own calendar. However, I don’t think there is a way to subscribe to them all as one feed. (You probably don’t want that anyway.)

Screen Shot 2020-01-09 at 1.45.12 PM

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Tim, perfect, thanks!

Thanks all - unfortunately I seem to be running into a known bug on Atlassian whereby the Google Calendar subscribe function successfully subscribes to a calendar but doesn’t show any events. https://confluence.atlassian.com/teamcal/subscribe-to-team-calendars-from-google-calendar-273285887.html

Hoping this will be resolved soon - any troubleshooting appreciated!

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Tenly, I actually had the same problem. I guess we can download and import the .ics files, for now?

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Thanks for the heads up on this issue @tenlysnow and @eric. We will take a look at the issue and work to resolve it ASAP.


I found an equivalent work-around (better than importing files, and stays updated). Click “edit” instead of “subscribe”. Grab the url from the edit form:

Copy that url to your clipboard. Go into Google Calendar, and on the left margin, click the “+” symbol next to the words “Other Calendars”. Select “From URL”


and then paste the url you copied to your clipboard.

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Is there a way to subscribe to a combined calendar of all the calls instead of subscribing to each one individually?

Unfortunately, it looks like there is not a way to subscribe to all of the calendar invites as a single feed.

@timbrisc I’m gathering this from your message above, do you know if there have been any updates to this?

I am not aware of a way to subscribe to all calendars. This is an excellent request though. I will need to do research on how to achieve this either programmatically or administratively.

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